10 in 10. Again.

21 04 2010

1. I just saw Whip It and looooooved it. How could I not? It’s about roller derby, which has always been an out-of-reach aspiration of mine. I’m not tough enough…but you should put Whip It on your Netflix queue. Live vicariously, and all that.

2. I would like a cupcake–not just ANY cupcake, the Michael Jackson from Hey Cupcake in Austin–right now.

3. My septum piercing is healing quite nicely, but it’s still sore if, say, I accidentally smack myself on the nose. You’d think that would be a rare occurrence, but really, it isn’t.

4. I’ve got some kind of sinus-allergy junk that just won’t go away. I sleep, I take Sudafed, nothing works. I think I just need to move. To Arizona, where there are no trees.

5. Earlier today, I had a dream that I was an intergalactic space warrior princess-type thing. All I know? I searched for aliens that look like humans, except for a small glowing mark on the wrist. These aliens were bad, as they had killed a colony of humans in space. I had a pistol that never ran out of bullets, and a knife strapped to my boot.

6. I wish Facebook would stop friend recommendations. I hated that girl in high school, and (trust me) I’ve already spied on her page. Like me, she got fat. Unlike me, she had two ugly kids. Yes, I went there.

7. I’m excited because Jen Lancaster’s new book, My Fair Lazy, will be released on May 4th. I must pre-order it from Amazon.

8. It’s been two months since I left Texas, and I can’t wait to go back. At least I’ll be able to fly Southwest when I move to treeless Arizona.

9. Sinuses draining. Ick.

10. I’ve used almost 1000 text messages this billing cycle. Which started on April 9th. Holy crap.



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